Meet Beth Mossman (formerly Krautscheid), MD, FAAP, NABBLM-C, IBCLC

Best Beginnings Team Member

Penguin Team Member

Beth Mossman (formerly Krautscheid), MD, FAAP, NABBLM-C, IBCLC
- English
- Oregon Health and Sciences University (OHSU), MD
- Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, Pediatric Residency
- International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC)
- North American Board of Breastfeeding and Lactation (NABBLM-C)
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Oregon Pediatric Society (OPS)
Dr. Beth Mossman has lived in Hillsboro since childhood and is a proud fourth generation resident. Her family includes her husband, daughter, and son. Spending time with her two young children, going to the gym for exercise classes, and wine tasting with friends and family are her favorite ways to unwind.
Dr. Beth has a childlike spirit and chooses to work in pediatrics because she genuinely enjoys playing with her patients during the visits. She is a passionate Pediatrician who loves advocating for her patients, knowing that she is a voice for those who cannot vote or sometimes even speak. She is particularly interested in breastfeeding medicine, resilience-building and social-emotional development, and is involved in various committees at HPC that advocate for child and family wellness, employee wellness, and infant care.
Dr. Beth Mossman is at our Orenco location on Thursdays.