HPC works hard to make sure that the services your child needs can be accessed easily

Our Clinic offers:
- Two Locations: Main Street and Orenco Station
- Telephone Advice Nurses during regular office hours
- Emergency Call Coverage 24 hours, 7 days a week
- Evening and Saturday hours at Main Street location
- Well Child Checks available during evening hours
- Same day appointments for sick children
- Care coordination services
- NW Mothers Milk Bank official drop-off site
- On-site Speech Therapy
- Telehealth Visits (Video Visits using the ZOOM app) for certain visits

- Infant ear piercing
- Newborn circumcision
- Secure Patient Portal
- Certified Breastfeeding Specialists
- Behavioral Health (located at the end of page)
- Kindergarten Readiness appointments
- Dental Hygienist appointments
- Nexplanon birth control insertion and removal
- HIV PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) management
- ADHD, Depression, Anxiety assessments and management